Montana Department of Environmental Quality About Us Permitting & Operator Assistance Public Participation


Advisory Councils & Work Groups

DEQ works closely with many stakeholders including the regulated community, non-governmental organizations, local governments, the EPA and other federal agencies, and interested members of the public. We value the feedback stakeholders provide to us throughout our decision-making processes.

This page provides more information about the various committees and advisory councils associated with DEQ's water programs. Some of these groups are established in Montana statute while others are created by DEQ to address unique issues or projects. A couple of the councils have members appointed by the Governor to serve in an official advisory capacity. Each group is described in more detail below. Click a link below to jump to a specific section of the page.

DEQ Working Groups and Committees

Governor-Appointed Councils

DEQ Working Groups and Committees

The groups in below comprise members that are selected by DEQ for a variety of issue- or project-related purposes that are described in the overview of each group. If you would like to be involved in any of the groups, please reach out to the staff contact for more information.


Nutrient Work Group

The Nutrient Work Group is an advisory work group, convened by the Department of Environmental Quality, representing publicly owned and privately owned point sources of pollution, nonpoint sources of pollution, and other interested parties that will advise the Department on the implementation of nutrient water quality standard together with associated economic impacts. Please review the Nutrient Work Group Charter for additional information.

Staff Contact: Kyle Milke (406) 444-6491

Sign Up to Receive Updates


Type Date Time Location Agenda
Nutrient Work Group September 16, 2024 9:00 am to 11:00 am  Metcalf Building Room 111 Coming Soon

Thank you for your interest in the nutrient standards process. The 2021 Legislature passed, and Governor Gianforte signed into law, Senate Bill 358. The new law requires DEQ to adopt rules to implement its narrative nutrient standards and provides a transition from Montana's existing numeric nutrient standards and variance approach to a new narrative standards approach.

During this process, DEQ will work with the Nutrient Work Group, which includes the EPA and representatives from various interest groups (see "Nutrient Work Group Members" below)

DEQ will assist permittees in understanding the narrative nutrient standards and will develop guidance documents to help with the transition.

Narrative Nutrient Standards Fact Sheet Rulemaking

Nutrient Water Quality Standards 

Type Date Time Location Agenda
Nutrient Work Group September 16, 2024 9:00 am to 11 am Metcalf Building Room 111 Coming Soon 
Type Date Agenda Summary Recordings & Materials
Nutrient Work Group September 16, 2024 Coming Soon Coming Soon


Transcript of Narrative Nutrient Standards Public Hearing July 8, 2024 N/A N/A

Transcript from Hearing

Nutrient Work Group May 29, 2024 Agenda N/A

Preliminary Statement of Economic Impact

Report on NWG Process and Proposed Narrative WQ Standards

Examples of Feedback Incorporated by DEQ During Rule Development

 Meeting Recording

Draft Rulemaking Materials and Technical Support Documents March 8, 2024 N/A N/A

Proposed Rule Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal

Circular DEQ-15

Guidance Support DEQ-15

Summary Technical Support Document

Dissolved Oxygen Analysis

Eutrophication thresholds associated with benthic macroinvertebrate conditions

Nutrient Work Group February 26, 2024 Agenda Summary

 Meeting Presentation

Draft Rulemaking Materials and Technical Support Documents December 5, 2023 N/A N/A

Proposed Rule Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal

Circular DEQ-15: December 2023

Guidance Support DEQ-15: December 2023

Summary Technical Support Document

Dissolved Oxygen Analysis

Eutrophication thresholds associated with benthic macroinvertebrate conditions

Nutrient Work Group November 14, 2023 Agenda Summary

 Circular DEQ-15: Draft 4

Guidance Support DEQ-15: Draft

Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group October 16, 2023 Agenda Summary

 Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group September 14, 2023 Agenda Summary

Rule Two-Parts Draft

Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group August 16, 2023 Agenda Summary

Draft Annual Report Requirements

Meeting Presentation

Adaptive Management Plan Template Draft

Nutrient Work Group July 20, 2023 Agenda Summary

 Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group May 17, 2023 Agenda Summary

Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group March 13, 2023 Agenda Summary

Narrative Nutrient Standards Permitting Handout

Meeting Presentation

Draft Rules, Circular & Guidance Document Comments

Nutrient Work Group February 13, 2023 Agenda Summary

 Meeting Presentation

Narrative Nutrient Fact Sheet

Nutrient Work Group January 9, 2023 Agenda Summary

 Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group December 14, 2022 Agenda  Summary

Revised Rule – Dec 2022
Draft Circular DEQ-15 – Dec 2022
Draft Guidance Document – Dec 2022
Spiraling Calculations Spreadsheet

Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group November 30, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group October 26, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group October 12, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group September 28, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
EPA Guidance on Causal and Response Variables
Nutrient Work Group September 14, 2022 Agenda August 2021 EPA Comments on Response Variables and Thresholds
Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group August 24, 2022 Agenda DEQ Response to EPA Action Letter
Meeting Presentation
AMP Monitoring Plan Template
AMP Implementation Plan Template
Draft Circular DEQ-15
Draft Guidance Document
Nutrient Work Group July 20, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group June 22, 2022 Agenda DEQ Presentation on Variances
Sarah Zuzulock Presentation on Good Neighbor Agreement
Kristin Gardner Presentation on Watershed Planning Process
Informational Webinar on Variances June 16, 2022 Agenda Draft Proposed Variance Rule
Webinar Recording
Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group May 25, 2022 Agenda
Nutrient Work Group May 17, 2022 Agenda Updated Draft Circular DEQ-15
EPA Action Letter
EPA Memo to File on 4-Part Test
EPA Memo to File on Permit Review
Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group May 11, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Updated, Draft Rule
Nutrient Work Group April 27, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group April 13, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Water Quality Act Presentation April 11, 2022 Agenda Meeting Presentation
Meeting Recording
Nutrient Work Group March 23, 2022 Agenda Summary Item 4 Comments from Bill Proponents
Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group February 23, 2022 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group February 9, 2022 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group January 26, 2022 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group January 12, 2022 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group December 8, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group November 30, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group November 3, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group October 27, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group October 5, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Listening Session September 23, 2021 Agenda Summary

Meeting Presentation

Press Release

Nutrient Work Group September 22, 2021 Agenda Summary

Meeting Presentation

TMDL-AMP Flowchart

Nutrient Work Group September 7, 2021 Agenda Summary Point Source Dischargers Presentation
Wisconsin AMP Presentation August 30, 2021 Agenda Summary

Meeting Recording

Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group August 25, 2021 Agenda Summary

MPDES Decision Making Points

Meeting Presentation

Technical Subcommittee August 10, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Technical Subcommittee August 3, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group July 28, 2021 Agenda Summary

Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Assessment Method for Wadeable Steams

Using Models for Large Rivers

Technical Subcommittee July 16, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Technical Subcommittee July 6, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group June 23, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Subcommittee June 21, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Subcommittee June 10, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Listening Session June 9, 2021 Agenda Summary Meeting Presentation
Nutrient Work Group May 27, 2021 Agenda Summary

Nutrient Work Group Charter

Rulemaking Framework

History of Montana's Nutrient WQS

Meeting Presentation

Nutrient Work Group March 25, 2021 Agenda Summary

Recording of March 25, 2021 Meeting

Adaptive Management Plans

•Wisconsin Adaptive Management Technical Handbook
•Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
•Lodi, Wisconsin
•Grafton, Wisconsin Revision Proposal
•Madison, Wisconsin
•Grafton, Wisconsin
•WERF Nutrient Permitting Framework

Nutrient Work Group December 7, 2020 Agenda Summary Circular DEQ-12B with Proposed Changes
Nutrient Work Group November 20, 2020 Agenda Summary

October 30, 2020 Court Order

Draft Nutrient Standards Variance Repealer Bill

2019 Version of Circular DEQ-12B

Nutrient Work Group October 2, 2020 Agenda Summary Recording of the October 2, 2020 Meeting on YouTube
Nutrient Work Group August 19, 2020    

EPA Action Letter 2020

EPA Highlights of State Approaches to Interpreting the Narrative for Nutrients

Montana League of Cities and Towns Summary

Nutrient Work Group Member
Name, Affiliation, Telephone
Technical Representative
Name, Affiliation, Telephone
Louis Engels
City of Billings
Dave Clark
Point Source Discharger: Large Municipal Systems (greater than 1 MGD)
Shannon Holmes
City of Livingston
Scott Buecker
(406) 570-5184
Point Source Discharger: Mid-Sized Mechanical Systems (1 MGD or less)
Rika Lashley
(406) 495-3448
None Specified Point Source Discharger: Small Municipal Systems with Lagoons
Montana Petroleum Association
Shane Lacasse
CHS, Inc.
Point Source Discharger: Non-POTW
Kelly Lynch
(406) 442-8768
Montana League of Cities and Towns
Amanda McInnis
Consultant for Montana League of Cities and Towns
Matt Vincent
(406) 565-0234
Montana Mining Association
Matt Wolfe
Karli Johnson 
(406) 868-1233
None Specified Farming-Oriented Agriculture
Ellie Brighton
(406) 442-3420
Montana Stockgrowers Association
None Specified Livestock-Oriented Agriculture
Guy Alsentzer
(406) 570-2202
Upper Missouri Waterkeeper
Sarah Zuzulock
(406) 539-0645
Zuzulock Environmental Services
Environmental Advocacy Organization
Kristin Gardner
(406) 993-2519
Gallatin River Task Force
None Specified Conservation Organization: Local
Sarah Zuzulock
(406) 539-0645
Zuzulock Environmental Services
None Specified Conservation Organization: Regional
David Brooks
(406) 543-0054
Montana Trout Unlimited
Sarah Zuzulock
(406) 539-0645
Zuzulock Environmental Services
Conservation Organization: Statewide
VACANT None Specified Water or Fishing-Based Recreation
Andy Efta
(406) 329-3447
U.S. Forest Service
None Specified Federal Land Management Agencies
Tina Laidlaw
(406) 457-5016
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Erik Makus
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Regulatory Agencies
Jeff Schmalenberg
(406) 542-4322
Dept. of Natural Resources & Conservation
None Specified State Land Management Agencies
Gallatin Local Water Quality District
None Specified County Water Quality Districts or Planning Departments
Dan Rostad
Yellowstone River Conservation District Council
None Specified Soil and Water Conservation Districts – East of the Continental Divide
(406) 752-4220
Flathead Conservation District
None Specified Soil and Water Conservation Districts – West of the Continental Divide
Scott Buecker
(406) 570-5184
Coralynn Revis
Wastewater Engineering Firms
Julia Altemus
Montana Wood Products Association
None Specified Timber Industry

Subdivision Advisory Task Force

The Subdivision Advisory Task Force acts as a liaison between DEQ, counties and sanitarians, and the public as part of the Department’s continual improvement process focused on improving subdivision and development related processes and policies while protecting public health and the environment. The Subdivision Advisory Task Force's work is guided by the policies set out under the Water Quality Act MCA 75-5-101 and the Sanitation in Subdivisions MCA 76-4-101.

Staff Contact: Shawn Rowland (406) 444-6727

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Circular DEQ-8 Montana Standards for Subdivision Stormwater Drainage Updates - June 7, 2024

The proposed notice of rulemaking for the Amendment of ARM 17.36.126 pertaining to the new version of Circular DEQ-8 Montana Standards for Subdivision Stormwater Drainage was published in Issue 11 of the Montana Administrative Register today (June 7, 2024) as Notice No. 17-444. Click to read more about the rule update.


Subdivision Advisory Task Force July 23, 2024  Agenda


Subdivision Advisory Task Force August 10, 2023 Agenda

Proposed/Draft DEQ-8

Draft Circular DEQ-8 Presentation

Subdivision Advisory Task Force May 31, 2023 Agenda

 SATF Meeting Recording

Subdivision Task Force Advisory Council

Phase 2 Comprehensive Rule Update Legislative Rule Package

Subdivision Advisory Task Force November 30, 2022 Agenda


Subdivision Advisory Task Force December 8, 2021 Agenda


Subdivision Advisory Task Force January 30, 2020 Agenda


Subdivision Advisory Task Force August 29, 2019 Agenda

 Meeting Handouts

Subdivision Advisory Task Force May 29, 2019 Agenda


Subdivision Advisory Task Force January 29, 2019 Agenda
Subdivision Advisory Task Force October 15, 2018 Agenda
Subdivision Advisory Task Force July 31, 2018 Agenda
Subdivision Advisory Task Force April 2, 2018 Agenda
Subdivision Advisory Task Force January 29, 2018 Agenda
Type Date Time Location Agenda
Subdivision Advisory Task Force  July 23, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm Metcalf Building, Room 42, and via Zoom Agenda

Statewide Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Advisory Group (STAG)

The Statewide TMDL Advisory Group (STAG) is authorized under section 75-5-702(9) of the Montana Water Quality Act. The STAG serves in an advisory capacity to the Department on topics such as TMDL development priorities, water quality assessment methods, water quality data management, and TMDL implementation monitoring. The fourteen member group represents a broad base of water related interest groups in Montana.  The groups represented are livestock-oriented agriculture, farming-oriented agriculture, conservation or environmental interest, water-based recreationists, the forestry industry, municipalities, point source dischargers, mining, federal land management agencies, state trust land management agencies, supervisors of soil and water conservation districts for counties both west and east of the continental divide, the hydroelectric industry, and fishing related businesses.

The Department selects members of the advisory group by soliciting nominations from each interest group. The nominees must agree on a single nominee, which is then appointed to the STAG by the DEQ Director. STAG members serve a term limit of two years, but there are no limits on the number of terms a member may serve if they are renominated by their interest group at the end of their term.

Staff Contact: Christina Staten (406) 444-2836

Sign up to Receive Updates

Name & Affiliation Representing Term End Date
Karli Johnson
Montana Farm Bureau
Farming-Oriented Agriculture January 31, 2026
Ellie Brighton
Montana Stock Growers Association
Livestock-Oriented Agriculture January 31, 2026
Frank Szollosi
Montana Wildlife Federation
Conservation or Environmental Interest January 31, 2026
David Brooks
Montana Trout Unlimited
Water-Based Recreation January 31, 2026
Brian Sugden
Sugden Forest Environmental
Forest Industry January 31, 2026
Ryan Leland
City of Helena
Municipalities January 31, 2026
Brian Heaston
City of Bozeman
Point Source Dischargers January 31, 2026
Greg Bryce
Mining January 31, 2026
Vacant Federal Land Management Agencies
Jeff Schmalenberg
Department of Natural Resources & Conservation
State Trust Land Management Agencies January 31, 2026
Vacant Conservation District Supervisor - East
Vacant Conservation District Supervisor - West
Jordan Tollefson
Northwestern Energy
Hydroelectric Industry January 31, 2026
Michael Bias
Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana
Fishing-Related Business January 31, 2026

Thursday, September 19, 2024
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 
DEQ Metcalf Building, Room 45 or via Zoom
Agenda with Zoom link to be provided in September




Governor-Appointed Councils

The Governor appoints members to the following councils to serve as official environmental advisory boards. These councils are established in Title 2, part 15, chapter 21 of the Montana Code Annotated, as described in the text below.


Water Pollution Control Advisory Council (WPCAC)

The Water Pollution Control Advisory Council represents a diverse array of Montana interests and plays an important role in formulating Montana's water quality policy. Council members are appointed by the Governor and serve in an advisory capacity to the Department by furnishing advice, gathering information, and making recommendations. The Council also reviews and advises the Department on draft administrative rules. WPCAC is authorized under section 2-15-2107 of the Montana Code Annotated.

Staff Contact: Tiffany Lyden (406) 444-3576 or 

Sign up to Receive Updates

2024 WPCAC Calendar

Date Time Location Agenda Meeting Materials
September 27, 2024 10:00 a.m. Room 111 in DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar (link will be in agenda)  


Date Time Location Minutes Agenda Presentations
July 12, 2024 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar Not yet available Agenda


May 10, 2024 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar Final Minutes Agenda

Rulemaking Updates: Timelines

Nonpoint Source & Wetlands Program Presentation

March 15, 2024 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar Final Minutes Agenda

Narrative Nutrient Rulemaking Presentation & Materials

Educational Resources Presentation

January 26, 2024 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar Final Minutes Agenda

Groundwater Discharge Rulemaking: Update

Narrative Nutrient Rulemaking: Revised Timeline & Update

Nondegradation Rulemaking: Update

December 13, 2023 1:30 p.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

Groundwater Discharge Rulemaking:
Presentation &

Nondegradation Rulemaking: Presentation &

Narrative Nutrient Rulemaking:
Presentation &

September 22, 2023  10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

CAFO General Permit Renewal

Nutrient Workgroup Update

July 14, 2023 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda


May 19, 2023 10:00 a.m. Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

Nutrient Workgroup Update

Subdivision Comprehensive Rule Changes

March 17, 2023 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

Triennial Review Overview

January 27, 2023 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

Flathead County Regional Septage Treatment & Biosolids Composting Facility

Triennial Review Overview

December 2, 2022 10:00 a.m. Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda


September 23, 2022 10:00 a.m. Zoom Webinar (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

Harmful Algal Bloom Briefing

NWG Update

July 15, 2022 10:00 a.m. Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom  Final Minutes Agenda

FBC-Septic Leachate Pollution & Water Quality

June 24, 2022 10:00 a.m. Zoom Final Minutes Agenda for June 24 Special Meeting

Draft Proposed Variance Rule

Variance Rule Webinar Recording

June 22, 2022 9:00 a.m. Zoom Agenda for June 22 NWG meeting with WPCAC joint discussion Presentation
June 16, 2022 1:00 p.m. DEQ Room 40 and via Zoom Webinar Recording Agenda for Informational Webinar on Variances

Draft Proposed Variance Rule


June 3, 2022 10:00 a.m. Zoom Agenda for June 3 Special Meeting Presentation
May 13, 2022 10:00 am Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

WPCAC Narrative Nutrient Standards Transition

Montana Septic Perspective

Estimating Attenuation of Nutrients from Septic Systems & Nutrient Trading (DEQ-13)

March 11, 2022 10:00 am Room 111 at DEQ Metcalf Building & Zoom (link in agenda) Final Minutes Agenda

Implementation of Narrative WQ Standards

Lead Regulations That Affect Montana's Drinking Water 

PWS Monitoring Basics

Septic System Issues & Solutions

Glyphosate and Statewide Waivers

January 28, 2022 10:00 am via Telephone, Zoom
Final Minutes

November 19, 2021 10:00 am via Telephone, Zoom and Metcalf Room 239/240 Final  Minutes Agenda
•Framework Draft Rules

•Permitting Storm Water in Montana
September 10, 2021 10:00 am via Telephone & Zoom Final Minutes Agenda


November 23, 2020 10:00 am via Telephone & Zoom Final Minutes Agenda

•Circular DEQ-12B Background

•Court Ordered Rulemaking on Department Circular DEQ-12B

November 6, 2020 10:00 am via Telephone & Zoom Final Minutes Agenda  
September 11, 2020 10:00 am via Telephone & Zoom Final Minutes Agenda

•Notice to Hold Virtual Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment & Adoption (WQ)

•Establishing Selenium Standards for Lake Koocanusa and Kootenai River the Protects Aquatic Life

July 10, 2020 10:00 am via Telephone Final Minutes Agenda

•Public Notice MTG770000  Disinfected Water and Hydrostatic Testing

•Lake Koocanusa: Site-Specific Selenium Criteria Update

January 10, 2020 10:00 am Metcalf Building, Room 40 Final Minutes Agenda

•Arsenic Standards for Parts of Yellowstone

•Draft Rule New Rule 1. Natural and Nonanthropogenic Water Quality Standards

•Power Point Regarding New Draft Rule 1

•Proposed Changes to MPDES Program Administrative Rules

•Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards

November 8, 2019 10:00 am Metcalf Building, Room 40 Final Minutes Agenda

•Demonstration of Nonanthropogenic Arsenic Levels

•Draft Rule New Rule 1.Natural and Nonanthropogenic Water Quality Standards

•Derivation of Nonanthropogenic Arsenic Standards

September 6, 2019 10:00 am Metcalf Building, Room 111 Final Minutes Agenda

•Developing Local Assistance Summary

•Grant Program Summary

•WASAC Brochure

•Rate Study

July 26, 2019 10:00 am Metcalf Building, Room 40 & Teleconference Call Final Minutes Agenda

•Outline of Events

•Department Circular DEQ12B November 2019 Draft

July 12, 2019 10:00 am Metcalf Building, Room 40 & Teleconference Call Final Minutes Agenda  
May 3, 2019 10:00 am Metcalf Building, Room 40 Final Minutes Agenda

•State Harmful Algae Bloom Program

January 11, 2019 10:00 am Metcalf Building, Room 40 Final Minutes Agenda

•Belt Wastewater Treatment

•Treatment Factsheet

•Belt Biota

•Water Quality Division's Strategic Plans

Council Members (serve at the pleasure of the Governor)
Name/Address Telephone Number
Area Code 406
Adam Pummill

406-756-4848 Engineer with Sanitary Engineering Experience
Jeffrey Mark

406-363-9232 Supervisor of a Soil and Water Conservation District
Chad Bauer

406-532-5120 Representative of industry concerned with the disposal of organic waste
Ronald Pifer

406-396-8806 Fisheries Biologist
Teri Polumsky

406-546-5802 Realtor or Developer Representative
Lee Bruner

406-490-4887 Irrigated Agriculture Representative
Shannon Holmes

406-222-5667 Public Works Director
Eric Campbell

406-579-9096 Representative of industry concerned with the disposal of inorganic waste
Amanda Knuteson

406-581-7717 Member of the public
Dennis Teske

406-749-9118 Production Agriculture Representative
Mike Koopal

406-212-0065 Representative of a conservation organization

Water Pollution Control Advisory Council consists of eleven members who are appointed by the Governor. WPCAC members are entitled to be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred while in the performance of council duties. Please visit the state employee travel page for current reimbursement rates, per diem, mileage, and forms.

Water and Wastewater Operators' Advisory Council

The Water and Wastewater Operators' Advisory Council provides program stakeholder review functions. The council is appointed by the governor and is comprised of seven members (2-15-2105, Montana Code Annotated).  The members are water and wastewater operators, a representative of a municipality, a faculty member of a university, and a DEQ representative.
Name Title
Libby Murray Henrikson Operator Certification Supervisor
Vacant Operator Certification Technician
Jen VandenBos Operator Certification Technician
Name Position/Representing
Vacant Representative of a municipality who employs a certified operator as city manager, engineer, etc.
Ronald Edwards Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator holding the highest class certification
Nick Clos Wastewater Operator
Greg Olsen PWS Bureau Chief - DEQ Representative
Andrew Loudermilk Water Treatment Plant Operator
Craig Woolard Faculty of a university or college whose major field is related to water supply systems, etc.
Logan McInnis Water Treatment Plan Operator, with highest class certification