Program Overview
Federal Facilities oversees the investigation and cleanup of petroleum and hazardous substance releases at federally-owned military and non-military facilities within the state. They also work on Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) sites that are known or suspected to contain unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions, or munitions constituents. These sites are not owned by the Department of Defense (DoD) but DoD is responsible for investigating and cleaning up these sites. The MMRP sites are frequently located on privately owned land and/or land owned by State or Federal Agencies such as the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation or the Bureau of Land Management.
Former Glasgow Air Force Base (GAFB) Information
Malmstrom Air Force Base (MAFB) Information
Military and Non-Military Sites
Federal Facilities Contacts
Physical Location:
1225 Cedar Street. Helena, MT 59601
Mailing Address:
PO Box 200901 Helena, MT 59620-0901
- 1-406-444-6444 (Helena and out of state)
- 1-406-444-6783 (Fax)
- 1-800-457-0568 (Leak Line)
- 1-406-324-4777 (After Hours Leak Line)
DEQ Remediation Division
CPR Section Supervisor
Katie Morris (406) 541-9017
DSMOA Coordinator
Scott Gestring (406) 444-6471
Environmental Project Officer
Jake Gruber (406) 444-6463
Environmental Science Specialist
Patrick Skibicki (406) 444-6452
Public Information Officer
Kevin Stone (406) 444-6469