Montana Department of Environmental Quality About Us Permitting & Operator Assistance Public Participation

Cleanup & Reclamation


Supplementary resources including documents, reports, frequently asked questions, and guidance. For additional information please visit the specific DEQ program page. To obtain records that are not available on the DEQ website please visit the Public Records Center.

State Superfund Resources

Below are links to available resources which can help address contamination at State Superfund Unit sites.

Montana Risk Assessment RAGS Part D Tables

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has prepared generic Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) Part D tables (Montana Risk Assessment Tables) to be part of the evaluation of risks posed by sites potentially requiring remediation in the State of Montana.  DEQ has prepared downloadable instructions describing the use of these Tables.  Please be sure to read the instructions before using the Tables.  The Tables consist of an Excel workbook including macros to be filled out for each exposure unit at a Facility.  The Tables also include Montana default exposure parameters for the most common pathways and receptors.  The Montana Risk Assessment Tables should be used in conjunction with available EPA guidance and DEQ state-specific guidance referenced on this website. If you are looking for screening levels by media information, visit the State Superfund Program webpage, Contaminant Screening Resources header. 

To obtain a copy of the Montana Risk Assessment Tables, please fill out the Contact Us form and select "Cleanup & Reclamation - Risk Assessment Tables Request " as the subject.

If you have any questions regarding aspects of this new resource, please contact Moriah Bucy at 406-444-6366.

Download Instructions (.docx)

Montana Risk-Based Corrective Action Guidance for Petroleum Releases

This guidance describes Montana DEQ's Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) evaluation process. It provides a description of the concepts and terms that must be understood to use RBCA for petroleum releases in Montana, and is not intended to address other chemical (non-petroleum) releases.

The February 2024 Risk-Based Screening Levels (RBSLs) tables are available for individual download below, along with other individual components of the February 2024 RBCA Guidance document.

Table 1 - Petroleum-Release Confirmation RBSLs for Soil
Table 2 - All Potential Tier 1 RBSLs for Soil
Table 3 - Groundwater Standards & RBSLs
Table 4a - Calculated Tier 2 Soils RBSLs for Direct Contact Residential Receptor (0-2 ft gbs)
Table 4b - Calculated Tier 2 Soil RBSLs for Direct Contact Commercial Receptor (0-2 ft bgs)
Table 4c - Calculated Tier 2 RBSLs for Direct Contact Construction Receptor (0-10 ft bgs)
Appendix A - Vadose Zone Modeling Technical Support Document
Appendix B - Risk-Based Screening Levels Direct Contact
Appendix C - Montana Method - Analytical Analyses
Appendix D - Risk Based Screening Levels and Standards Groundwater and Surface Water Guidance

Montana Inorganic Background Investigation Report

Click links in the table below to view and print the Montanan Inorganic Background Investigation Report and associated documents. The Montana Inorganic Background Surface Soils Investigation Report is available in alternate format if requested.

Montana Inorganic Background Surface Soils Investigation Report (PDF)

Table 2-1
Table 3-2
Table 4-2
Table 4-4

Appendix A - Field Log and Photo Point Forms (PDF)

Appendix B - Laboratory Analytical Reports (PDF)

Appendix C - Figures of Background Soil Inorganic Concentrations (PDF)

Appendix D - Data Validation Report (PDF)

Appendix E - Bulk and Fine Fraction Boxplots (PDF)

Appendix F - ProUCL Distribution and Background Threshold Value (BTV) Calculations Results (PDF)

Appendix G - British Geological Survey (BGS) Normal Background Concentration (BNC) (PDF)

Appendix H - Plots comparing ProUCL BTV and BGS NBC (PDF)

Montana Typical Indoor Air Concentrations

The links in the following table are to the August 2012 Background Indoor Air Study.

2012 Background Indoor Air Study database (zip file)
Complete Final Report - Typical Indoor Air Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Non-Smoking Montana Residences Not Impacted   by Vapor Intrusion (PDF-42 MB)
Report Text only (PDF)
Figure 1 - Sampling Locations (PDF)
Appendix A - Laboratory Analytical Data Reports (PDF)
Appendix B - Data Validation Reports (PDF)
Appendix C - ProUCL Output (PDF)
Appendix D - Box and Whisker Plots (PDF)

APH VI Calculator

The Air-Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbon Vapor Intrusion (APH VI) Screening Level Calculator is designed as a simple screening tool to determine if vapor intrusion exceeds generic risked-based screening levels at sites with only petroleum contamination. This calculator is not meant to be used with solvent sites or mixed waste sites containing a combination of petroleum and other sources. The results from this calculator should be considered one of the multiple lines of evidence in your vapor intrusion investigation. Below you will find the APH VI Screening Level Calculator as well as the VI APH Calculator Discussion that explains how to use the calculator and the general assumptions used for site-specific vapor intrusion risk assessment/analysis (also found in the State Superfund FAQs on this web page).

APH VI Calculator Discussion
APH VI Calculator

Montana Vapor Intrusion Guide

Links to Additional Resources

Submit Data

The information below provides guidance for submitting Waste Management and Remediation sample data to Montana DEQ’s EQuIS database. Montana EQuIS is DEQ’s main sample data repository and includes physical, chemical, biological, vapor intrusion, and habitat data from a variety of projects across the state.

If you need assistance during the EDD submittal process, contact:

Subscribe by clicking the button below to receive important updates about Montana EQuIS, including when updated reference value lists are posted, anticipated outages for maintenance, and training opportunities.

Montana EQuIS Email Subscription

Step 1: Prepare your EDD

Environmental monitoring data must be submitted to DEQ in a specific format. Data providers are required to download the MT-WMRD EDD (Electronic Data Deliverable) and populate it with their project’s data. Detailed guidance for populating the EDD can be found in the MT-WMRD Guidance Manual.

Step 2: Verify your EDD

After Step 1 is complete, your MT-WMRD EDD is ready for data verification using the EQuIS Data Processor (EDP). The EDP is a standalone application that allows data providers to check their EDD files prior to submission to ensure they are formatted as described in the MT-WMRD Guidance Manual. If the EDP detects errors, the errors will be identified and most can be corrected directly within the application. After the errors are corrected, the EDP must be re-run to ensure that no errors remain. Your EDD must have a clean verification from the EDP prior to data submission to DEQ.

Step 3: Submit your EDD

After Step 2 is complete and your EDD has no errors, you’re ready to submit to Montana EQuIS. 

  1. Once you have completed data validation according to your project’s requirements, please email the EDD to Please include the project name and DEQ project manager if you have them. 


Field Data Providers

The following field forms are provided by DEQ to assist with project data management. Please coordinate with the DEQ Project Manager to confirm what field forms are required for your data collection effort.

Laboratory Data Providers

Laboratories submitting results to Montana EQuIS may choose to submit data with the full MT-WMRD EDD available in Step 1, or a subset of the worksheets that are specific to lab results. Below is the reduced version of the EDD that only contains the lab result related worksheets.

If a lab needs assistance during the EDD development process, contact