Montana Department of Environmental Quality About Us Permitting & Operator Assistance Public Participation

Nonpoint Source Program

Program Overview

Nonpoint source pollution typically comes from diffuse sources, such as grazing, timber harvest, abandoned mine lands, irrigation, recreation, and septic systems. It includes a wide range of pollutants and conditions, including nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), heavy metals, sediment, loss of riparian habitat, streamflow alteration, and temperature changes. Montana’s goal is to provide a clean and healthy environment by protecting and restoring water quality from the harmful effects of nonpoint source pollution. We believe this can best be achieved through voluntary implementation of land, soil, and water conservation practices.

Nonpoint Source Project Funding

DEQ provides approximately $1,000,000 each year to local watershed groups, conservation districts, educational institutions, and government entities to design and implement on-the-ground projects that reduce and prevent nonpoint source pollution. Increasingly, DEQ is focusing funding on projects that will restore natural processes (e.g., stream channel migration, floodplain connectivity, native riparian revegetation) and are likely to result in measurable improvements in water quality.


Funding Sources: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Section 319(h) of the Federal Clean Water Act and Montana House Bill 6 Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Renewable Resource grant funds. 

Total Funding Available: Approximately $1,000,000.

Funding Distribution: 

  • $500K to On-The-Ground projects located within the Lower Gallatin and Shields Focus Watersheds. (Lower Gallatin is a DEQ Nonpoint Source Focus watershed; Shields is an NRCS National Water Quality Initiative watershed)
  • $500K (plus any unallocated funds from the Focus Watersheds) to On-The-Ground projects elsewhere in Montana, and to Capacity Building / Education and Outreach projects. 

On-the-Ground Projects:
Recommended Range for Funding Requests: $10,000-$300,000

Application Form: On-the-Ground Projects

Capacity Building / Education and Outreach Projects:
Recommended Range for Funding Requests: $10,000-$30,000

Application Form: Capacity Building / Education and Outreach Projects

Match Requirements

A 40 percent match (cost share) is recommended; a minimum 10 percent match is required. The match must be from non-federal sources (state, local, private), and may include in-kind donations of time and resources contributed to completion of the project.

Use the following formula to calculate the minimum amount of non-federal match for your project: ((319 dollars requested)/.90) – (grant funding requested) = 10% required non-federal match. Use 0.60 in the formula to calculate the 40% recommended non-federal match. 


As DEQ staff respond to questions from the public, we frequently provide answers that could apply to a broad spectrum of projects.  This Q&A document was intended to make these answers more accessible to other applicants who may have similar questions.

Applicant Eligibility

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a governmental entity or a nonprofit organization. A governmental entity is a local, state, or federal organization that has been established and authorized by law. Nonprofit organizations are identified as having a tax-exempt declaration of 501(c)(3) from the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Be registered with the Montana Secretary of State to do business in the state of Montana.
  • Have the necessary liability insurance, and be in compliance with the Workers Compensation Act.

Project Eligibility

Projects must meet the following minimum requirements: 

  • Address nonpoint source pollution.
  • Implement actions or practices identified in a DEQ-accepted Watershed Restoration Plan, an EPA-approved Tribal Nonpoint Source plan, or the current Montana Nonpoint Source Management Plan.
  • Be completable within three years. (Note: In some instances, sponsors may be encouraged to apply for funding for design and permitting, and then come back and apply for funding for actual construction in a subsequent year.)
  • On-The-Ground projects must address impairments identified on Montana’s 2020 List of Impaired Waters. In some instances, projects on streams that are not listed as impaired may be acceptable. These projects must reduce pollutant loading to an impaired, downstream receiving water OR protect existing uses from becoming impaired.

Additional minimum standards and requirements are included in the Call for Applications.

The following activities are NOT eligible for funding: 

  • Development of a Watershed Restoration Plan, exception made for Capacity Building projects.
  • Activities required as a condition of a point source (MPDES) discharge permit.
  • Projects whose primary purpose is to protect infrastructure from natural stream channel migration.
  • Use of non-native plant species in restoration projects.
  • Rip-rap, except in instances where it is necessary to protect a new bridge or culvert designed to restore aquatic organism passage.
  • Projects designed to address violations of state and federal law (e.g., projects that stem from a 310 violation or an Army Corps violation).
  • Projects that result in a net loss of wetlands or wetland function.
  • Statewide education and outreach campaigns.

Additional information is included in the Call for Applications.

The 2024 Round 2 Call for Applications was announced in February 2024. 

2024 Round 2 Funding Decisions:

Funding Decision Summary
Project Comment Summary

Funding Request Summary Table
Webmap of submitted applications 

Lower Gallatin and Shields Focus Watersheds | On-The-Ground Projects

Statewide | On-The-Ground Projects

Statewide | Capacity Building and Education & Outreach Projects


Date Event
Monday, 2/12/2024 Issue 2024 Round 2 Call for Applications
Until Wednesday, 4/3/2024 at 5:00 pm DEQ will ensure staff availability for answering questions, reviewing draft applications, and providing other assistance.
Friday, 4/5/2024, 5:00 pm Final, signed applications and all attachments due to DEQ by 5:00 pm
Thursday, 4/18/2024 Agency Review Panel meeting
Friday, 4/26/2024, 5:00 pm Notice of Intent to Award sent to project applicants
4/29/2024 through 5/10/2024 Contract development (DEQ and successful applicants)
October 2024 Funding becomes available


Application Information

All project applicants must thoroughly read the Call for Applications. All project applicants are encouraged to contact a member of the DEQ Nonpoint Source staff prior to submitting their application. If contact is made soon enough, we are often available to review draft applications, provide pre-application site visits, and offer suggestions to help improve the competitiveness of your application.

Funding Overview

Funding Sources:

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Section 319(h) of the Federal Clean Water Act and Montana House Bill 6 Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Renewable Resource grant funds. 

Total Funding Available: Approximately $1,000,000.

Funding Distribution: 

  • $500K to On-The-Ground projects located within the Lower Gallatin and Shields Focus Watersheds. (Lower Gallatin is a DEQ Nonpoint Source Focus watershed; Shields is an NRCS National Water Quality Initiative watershed)
  • $500K (plus any unallocated funds from the Focus Watersheds) to On-The-Ground projects elsewhere in Montana, and to Capacity Building / Education and Outreach projects. 

Project Types:

On-the-Ground Projects:
Recommended Range for Funding Requests: $10,000-$300,000
Application Form: On-the-Ground Projects

Capacity Building / Education and Outreach Projects:
Recommended Range for Funding Requests: $10,000-$30,000
Application Form: Capacity Building / Education and Outreach Projects

Match Requirements

A 40 percent match (cost share) is recommended; a minimum 10 percent match is required. The match must be from non-federal sources (state, local, private), and may include in-kind donations of time and resources contributed to completion of the project.

Use the following formula to calculate the minimum amount of non-federal match for your project: ((319 dollars requested)/.90) – (grant funding requested) = 10% required non-federal match. Use 0.60 in the formula to calculate the 40% recommended non-federal match. 


As DEQ staff respond to questions from the public, we frequently provide answers that could apply to a broad spectrum of projects.  This Q&A document was intended to make these answers more accessible to other applicants who may have similar questions. 

Q&A document


The 2024 Round 1 Call for Applications was announced in August 2023.  The applications under Round 1 were all successful and are included as examples here:

Funding Request Summary Table

Lower Gallatin Focus Watershed

Mini-Grant Programs


Nonpoint source Contacts

Section Supervisor
Hannah Riedl (406) 444-0549

Water Quality Specialist
Mark Ockey (406) 444-5351

Water Quality Specialist
Meagan Gilmore (406) 755-8981

Water Quality Specialist
Ella Lunny (406) 444-6740

Senior Wetland Specialist
Stephen Carpenedo  (406) 444-3527

Water Quality Specialist
Torie Haraldson (406) 556-4511 

Education and Outreach Specialist
Tiffany Lyden (406) 444-3576 

Other Resources

DEQ provides limited funding for education and outreach through our E&O Mini-Grants Program, administered by Soil and Water Conservation. We are also often available to provide group presentations on a wide range of watershed health topics. DEQ provides significant support to watershed groups through partnerships and joint projects with the Montana Watershed Coordination Council, Montana Association of Conservation Districts, and state and federal agency partners.

Check out the education and outreach materials below that the 319 Program helped fund.
List of resources.
Topic Summary Project Sponsor
Beavers A video (5 minutes) about beaver mimicry for stream restoration Gallatin Watershed Council
Boating Lake-friendly fueling: a factsheet Flathead Lakers
Landownership, an online resource for buying, selling, or improving land along lakes, streams, and rivers. Lewis and Clark Conservation District
Landownership A stewardship guide with basic information and best practices related to water, wildlife, forestry, grazing, wetlands, native and invasive plants, and more Blackfoot Challenge
Lawn maintenance Lake-friendly lawns: a factsheet Flathead Lakers
Livestock Management Avoiding algal issues in stockwater ponds: a magazine article MSU Extension
Livestock Management On-site Guide for Livestock Operators Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana
Pet Waste Poop Scoop Signs Gallatin Valley Land Trust
Riparian areas Riparian Awareness Campaign: a video (30 seconds) Missoula Valley Water Quality District
Riparian areas Channel migration zones and easements: The Shape of a River, short video (12 minutes) Montana Aquatic Resources Services
Septic Systems A factsheet Flathead Lakers
Septic Systems A checklist to maintain your septic system's record Flathead Lakers
Streams Montana Stream Permitting: A Guide for Conservation District Supervisors and Others Multiple partners
Watersheds An "augmented reality sandbox" for use as an education tool. Visit Lake County CD's website to learn more, and check out the Lake County Conservation District
Watersheds Audio and printed watershed stories, featuring individuals and organizations around the state. Montana Watershed Coordination
Winter maintenance Winter de-icing: a factsheet Flathead Lakers

Montana DEQ encourages the development of locally-led Watershed Restoration Plans (WRPs) as a means of charting a path to improved water quality. All 319-funded projects must implement practices identified in a DEQ-accepted Watershed Restoration Plan.

Watershed Restoration Plans
WRP Sponsor Status
Beaverhead Beaverhead Watershed Committee Accepted 2014, under revision, will include Red Rock
Bitterroot Bitter Root Water Forum Accepted 2020
Blackfoot River Blackfoot Challenge Accepted 2014
Central Clark Fork Tributaries   Under Development
Clarks Fork Yellowstone   Under Development
Clearwater Clearwater Resource Council Under Development
Deep Creek Broadwater Conservation District Accepted 2014
Flathead Lake Flathead Lakers Accepted 2014
Flathead Stillwater Flathead Conservation District Accepted 2017
Flint Creek Granite Headwaters Watershed Group Accepted 2014
Kootenai Basin Kootenai River Network Inc Accepted 2015
Lake Helena Lake Helena Watershed Group/Lewis & Clark Water Quality Protection District Accepted 2016
Little Blackfoot Trout Unlimited Accepted 2016
Lolo Creek Lolo Watershed Group Accepted 2013
Lower Clark Fork Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group Accepted 2019
Lower Gallatin Greater Gallatin Watershed Council Accepted 2014
Lower Jefferson River Trout Unlimited Under Development
Madison Watershed Madison Conservation District Accepted 2024
Miller Creek Missoula Valley Water Quality Protection District Accepted 2018
Middle and Lower Big Hole Watershed Big Hole Watershed Committee Accepted 2013, Under Revision
Middle Fork Judith Trout Unlimited Accepted 2022
Ninemile Creek Trout Unlimited Accepted 2013
Rock Creek Trout Unlimited Accepted 2018
Ruby Ruby Watershed Group Accepted 2015
Shields River Watershed Park Conservation District Accepted 2012
St. Regis Trout Unlimited Under Development
Sun River Sun River Watershed Group Accepted 2022
Swan Basin Swan Ecosystem Center Accepted 2012
Teton River Teton Watershed Group Accepted 2010
Thompson River Lower Clark Fork Watershed Group Accepted 2018
Upper & North Fork Big Hole Watershed Big Hole Watershed Committee Accepted 2012
Upper Clark Fork River Tributaries Watershed Restoration Coalition Accepted 2012
Upper Gallatin River Blue Water Task Force Accepted 2012
Upper Jefferson Jefferson River Watershed Council Under Development

Nine Minimum Elements

Each Watershed Restoration Plan must address nine minimum elements.

  • Identification of causes of impairment and sources of pollution.
  • An estimate of the pollutant load reductions needed to achieve water quality standard
  • A description of the nonpoint source management measures needed to achieve pollutant load reductions.
  • An estimate of the technical and financial assistance needed to implement the management measures.
  • An education and outreach component to encourage public participation in designing and implementing the management measures.
  • A reasonable schedule for implementing the management measures.
  • Milestones to gauge progress in implementing the management measures.
  • Criteria for determining to what extent management measures are reducing pollutant loads and improving water quality over time.
  • A monitoring plan for collecting the data necessary to evaluate improvements based on the criteria above.

Planning Tools and Guidance

The Environmental Protection Agency and other entities have developed tools to guide watershed restoration plan development.

Maps & Media

Ninemile Creek - 319 funded project
Nevada Creek - 319 funded project