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Flooding Resources

Are You Experiencing Flooding?

Surging rivers and creeks are a regular springtime occurrence in parts of Montana. DEQ provides support and resources for Montanans who are affected by flooding. This page serves as a one-stop-shop for all DEQ information related to flooding.


Public Water & Wastewater System Support

If you are experiencing or anticipate that you may experience issues related to flooding, please contact DEQ's Public Water Supply Emergency Coordinator for support and guidance related to the security and safety of your public water system.


If you operate a wastewater system that is experiencing flooding related issues, please contact DEQ immediately for information and support.


An unintentional discharge of raw sewage from a sanitary sewer (sanitary sewer overflow), which does not occur at the designated waste water treatment plant outfall, can seriously endanger public health and contaminate waters, causing serious water quality problems.

Permittees are required to adhere to the following oral and written reporting timelines.

24-Hour Notification

Information must be provided orally to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) within 24 hours from the time the overflow was discovered. The 24-hour report of noncompliance must be made to the DEQ Water Protection Bureau at (406) 444-5546 or 444 - 6697 or to the state Office of Disaster and Emergency services at (406) 431-0411.

Written Report

A written report must be provided within five days from the time the overflow was discovered. All sanitary sewer overflows, no matter the circumstances or cause, must be reported to DEQ, even if you do not believe a violation has occurred. See the reporting form below for additional information.

How to Reduce Flood Damage

Maintain and restore areas of native riparian vegetation along streams. Densely vegetated buffers of native trees, shrubs and plants help hold streambanks together, slow down flood waters, and filter out debris. DEQ’s Nonpoint Source Program may be able to help with technical guidance or grant support.

Environmental Incident Reporting

Depending on the location and extent of the flooding, flood waters can cause additional environmental issues. DEQ is prepared to investigate reports of spills, contamination, or other potential environmental hazards. Please contact us using the button below if you are aware of environmental issues that may be related to recent flooding.

Montana Disaster & Emergency Services Resources

Bank Stabilization, Riprap, and Floodplain Management

Stabilizing eroding banks with riprap and other hard armor creates a fire hose effect on streams, increasing the force of flood waters and transferring erosion problems downstream. Protecting and restoring floodable area on the landscape slows floodwater and reduces catastrophic impacts when floods do occur.

Anyone performing bank stabilization must notify the appropriate agencies including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), local conservation district and, if riprap will be installed, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP).

Montana DNRC Floodplain Management Resources

Recovery & Reconstruction Support

If you have questions about gravel sources for recovery work, contact DEQ's Opencut Mining Program:

If you have questions about crushed gravel or rip rap sources, contact DEQ’s Hard Rock Mining Program:

If you have questions about hazardous waste or solid waste disposal, contact DEQ's Waste Management Bureau:

Additional Resources

DEQ resources include a flood guide and checklists related to underground storage tanks, emergency guidance related to asbestos-containing materials, information on protecting wells before a flood, information on disinfecting water supplies after a flood, and information on managing septic systems after a flood.

If you do not find what you are looking for on this page or still have questions, you can always contact us. 

  Contact DEQ