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DEQ to Host Public Meeting on Draft Environmental Assessment for Proposed Exploration Project in Phillips County

  • Moira Davin
  • December 20 2021

HELENA—The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is hosting a public meeting to hear comments on a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for a proposed exploration project near Zortman, Mont. in Phillips County. The new exploration project is proposed by Luke Ployhar on private land at the former Zortman Mine. The proposed project is not a full-scale mine and the operator would have to apply for a separate permit and undergo a separate environmental analysis should he wish to operate a full-scale mine.

The public meeting will include a brief presentation on the proposed project and allow time for questions, followed by official public comment. The meeting will be held online via Zoom or by phone. DEQ is working to identify a location near the site of the proposed project where individuals may access the meeting remotely. Once a location is finalized, details will be shared at the link below.

What: A public meeting on the draft EA for Luke Ployhar’s proposed exploration project.

When: Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022 at 4 p.m.

Where: The meeting will be held via Zoom, accessible online and by telephone.

DEQ will be taking official public comment at the meeting. Participants may sign-up in advance for comment using the link above or may sign-up during the meeting. Commentors will be called on in the order they are received. DEQ will make reasonable accommodations for those with disabilities who wish to participate in the meeting. If you require an accommodation, please contact DEQ using the contact information above at least one week prior to the meeting.

DEQ prepared a draft EA to analyze potential impacts from the proposed exploration project and will accept public comments on the draft EA until 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022. To submit comments or view the document, please visit the DEQ website at:

An exploration license is not an operating permit to mine. An exploration license authorizes activity for the purpose of determining the presence and extent of an ore body. An exploration license does not authorize the mining of an ore body. If a proposed project meets the requirements of Montana law (82-4-332, Montana Code Annotated), DEQ must issue the exploration license. The draft EA is not a decision document, but instead is a disclosure document of the potential impacts from the project.

Tags: News and Hard Rock