Waste Management Bureau | Lake County Landfill Expansion Final Environmental Assessment| Polson, MT
To comply with the Montana Environmental Policy Act, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) prepared a final environmental assessment (Final EA) regarding the construction of a landfill expansion located at 39276 Kerr Dam Road in Polson, Montana.
Lake County proposed a 50-acre expansion that would border Kerr Dam Road to the south and the existing Lake County Landfill to the north. Of the 50-acre expansion, only 19 acres are planned for disposal of Group II (e.g., municipal solid waste) and Group IV (e.g., construction and demolition waste) wastes.
DEQ published the Draft EA for a public comment period that started March 15, 2024, and ended April 14, 2024. Notification was sent to adjacent landowners and other interested parties that requested to be notified. A press release announcing the Draft EA’s availability was sent out on March 15, 2024, and the EA, along with Lake County’s application, was posted on DEQ’s website.
DEQ received six submissions with comments covering several topics from the Draft EA and Proposed Action. There were comments both in support and in opposition to the Proposed Action. DEQ read, summarized, combined, and considered the substantive elements from the comments. These responses can be found in Section 6 of the Final EA.
The Proposed Action is approved.
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Thank you for your participation in this process.
Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Solid Waste Program
Tags: MEPA, Public Notice and Solid Waste