Water Quality | Westmoreland Absaloka Mining, LLC | Absaloka Mine | Comment Period Closes March 6, 2025
Westmoreland Absaloka Mining, LLC
Absaloka Mine
529 Sarpy Basin Road
Hardin, Montana
Big Horn County
Unnamed Ephemeral Tributary to Sarpy Creek
Unnamed Ephemeral Tributary to Middle Fork Sarpy Creek
Unnamed Ephemeral Tributary to East Fork Sarpy Creek
DEQ proposes to renew Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) permit MT0021229 for the Westmoreland Resources, Inc., Absaloka Mine. The Absaloka Mine is an approximately 7,100-acre surface coal mine. The facility discharges treated mine drainage to the following receiving waters: unnamed ephemeral tributary to Sarpy Creek, unnamed ephemeral tributary to Middle Fork Sarpy Creek, and unnamed ephemeral tributary to East Fork Sarpy Creek. Outfalls in active mining areas are associated with sediment ponds designed to contain the runoff from a 10-year, 24-hour rainfall event. Influent flow to sediment ponds in an area of active mining consists of mine drainage and storm water runoff. Outfalls associated with reclamation areas are regulated either as “post mining areas” subject to numeric effluent limitations or by Western Alkaline Standards where outfalls receive drainage exclusively from contributing watersheds that have been released from Phase II SMCRA bonding and meet the definition of Western Alkaline Coal Mining. Outfalls subject to Western Alkaline standards are maintained per an approved Sediment Control Plan.
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Send Comments To:
DEQ Water Quality Division
Water Protection Bureau
PO Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620
Or electronically to: DEQWPBPublicComments@mt.gov
Tags: MEPA, Public Comment and Water