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DEQ Releases Draft Environmental Assessment for Underground Storage Tanks at Town Pump Bozeman #9 in Gallatin County

  • Moira Davin
  • July 31 2023

HELENA—The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting public comment specific to new underground storage tanks (UST) to be installed in Gallatin County, Mont. DEQ has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) as required by the Montana Environmental Policy Act (implemented in title 17, chapter 4, subchapter 6 of the Administrative Rules of Montana). MEPA requires that agencies analyze the potential impacts of a proposed project on the human environment and disclose those impacts prior to making a decision. The proposed project would install eight new underground tanks for gas storage at the Town Pump Bozeman #9 at 8439 Huffine Lane, Bozeman, Mont. DEQ is currently accepting public comment on the Draft EA until Aug. 9, 2023. 

Following the 10-day public comment period, DEQ will consider and respond to substantive comments received in response to the Draft EA and proceed with one of the following determinations: that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is necessary, that the EA did not adequately reflect issues raised by the proposed action and that a revised EA is needed, that further environmental analysis is not necessary and that the agency can proceed with a final decision with modifications deemed necessary based on analysis in the EA and/or public comment, or, that the EA is adequate and adopted as final. Notice of DEQ’s decision will be given to each to person who submits written comment or requests a notice of the decision. 

The draft EA, public notice, and information on how to submit public comment can be found at: 

Tags: Press Release and Underground Storage Tanks