DEQ Begins Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards
HELENA—Montana’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is soliciting suggestions for potential revisions to water quality standards through a comment period and public hearing. The triennial review of water quality standards happens every three years as required by the Montana Water Quality Act and Federal Clean Water Act. Water quality standards describe the desired conditions to protect human health, aquatic life, and other uses of state waters.
The review is an opportunity for the public to participate in the process that DEQ uses to evaluate standards for the protection of Montana’s waterbodies. Members of the public are invited to submit data and comments to DEQ on water quality standards. Comments should identify the standard, any suggested revisions, the basis for the suggested revision and include technical information. DEQ will also hold a public hearing on June 28, 2023.
What: A public hearing on the triennial review of water quality standards.
When: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 11 a.m.
Where: A hybrid meeting at DEQ’s Metcalf building in Helena, Mont. (1520 E 6th Ave) and online or by phone. For more information, visit:
In addition to reviewing suggestions that are submitted in comments, DEQ staff will also evaluate water quality standards to identify potential modifications as part of this triennial review process. DEQ will accept public comment on the standards through June 28, 2023. Comments may be submitted electronically or by mail. For information on how to submit public comment or the hearing, visit:
Tags: Water and Press Release