DEQ’s Bitterroot River Nutrient Protection Plan is the First Accepted by EPA in the Region
HELENA—The Bitterroot River Nutrient Protection Plan, written by the Department of Environmental Quality with support from local stakeholders, received final acceptance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is the first protection plan of its kind in the EPA’s mountains and plains region, also referred to as Region 8. The Nutrient Protection Plan is a nonregulatory document that demonstrates the high-quality nutrient condition of the Bitterroot River, describes sources of nutrients, presents population growth scenarios and provides recommendations for preventing nutrient impairment. The Bitterroot watershed encompasses Ravalli County and the southern portion of Missoula County.
“DEQ is excited to have this nutrient protection plan in place to share guidance for protecting this valuable water resource,” said Lindsey Krywaruchka, DEQ’s water quality division administrator. “The plan is not only the first in Montana, but also the region. It provides recommendations for community members to help maintain water quality in a watershed that represents what makes Montana special.”
The Bitterroot River is not currently impaired by nutrients, making it unique in Montana for a river of its size in a rapidly developing watershed. The watershed was considered a ‘focus watershed’ in 2019, where DEQ targeted funding and technical resources for voluntary water quality improvement projects for three years as an approach to maximize impacts. The protection plan is one of many technical resources provided to local stakeholders and residents to help maintain or improve the watershed.
Human activities can result in excess nutrients that pose a threat to human health and the environment, including through proliferation of nuisance or toxic algal growth. Nonpoint sources of nitrogen pollution are the primary threat to maintaining the Bitterroot River's high-quality nutrient condition. Nonpoint sources of pollution include, but are not limited to, road and streambank erosion, fertilizers from croplands and lawns, and human and animal waste. The Nutrient Protection Plan recommends voluntary best management practices for reducing nutrient pollution. Restoring and protecting native streamside vegetation is an example of a best practice that protects the Bitterroot from pollution. Another important example is managing existing and new septic systems. The plan recommends that existing homes and new construction hook into municipal systems where possible. Alternatively, new subdivisions can incorporate a centralized treatment facility, or individual homes can install Level II or higher treatment systems.
Tags: Water and Press Release