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DEQ Issues Draft Hazardous Waste Permit Modification for the Phillips 66 Company Billings Refinery

Public Comment Period Now Open

  • Kevin Stone
  • July 29 2022

HELENA–The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is accepting comments on a draft hazardous waste permit modification for the Phillips 66 Company Billings Refinery in Yellowstone County. 

The draft modification incorporates a proposed cleanup plan, known as a remedy, for four areas of the facility that were not included in the site’s 2002 cleanup remedy. Additionally, the modification proposes a change in the site’s primary groundwater remedy from pumping and treating contaminated water to using sparging technologies to improve groundwater quality. Sparging is a technology where air, oxygen, and/or other additives are injected into the water table to stimulate the breakdown of contamination by microorganisms.  

The draft is available now for public review at the link below. The comment period will end Sept.13, 2022. During the comment period, any person may request a public hearing. The request must be in writing and state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. If a public hearing is held, DEQ will provide notice of the date at least 30 days prior to the hearing.  

To access the documents or for information on submitting comment visit:

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