DEQ Seeks Public Comment on Narrative Nutrient Framework
HELENA— The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking public comment on proposed New Rule 1 that establishes the basic elements of an adaptive management program and will help guide DEQ and the nutrient work group in the development of a comprehensive rule package. The rule package is related to the implementation of narrative nutrient standards for Montana’s surface waters as required by Senate Bill 358.
DEQ has been meeting with the nutrient work group since May 2021 to develop a rule package. The nutrient work group serves as an advisory group to DEQ and comprises representatives from various interest groups including municipalities, industry, agriculture, environmental organizations, conservation districts and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Proposed New Rule 1 is a step toward the eventual proposal of a comprehensive nutrient rule package. The comprehensive rule package is scheduled to be proposed later in 2022 and will be noticed for a separate public comment period at that time.
A public hearing will be held on Feb. 8, 2022 to hear public comment and feedback on the proposed New Rule 1.
What: A public hearing on proposed New Rule 1(framework) related to the narrative nutrient standards.
When: Feb. 8 , 2022 at 2 p.m.
Where: The hearing will be held both online via Zoom and in-person in Room 111 at the DEQ Metcalf Building (1520 E Sixth Ave., Helena). For the Zoom link and more information, please visit the following website and click on the MAR notice:
DEQ is accepting public comment on the proposed New Rule 1 (framework) until Feb. 8, 2022. Comments can be submitted via mail or email. To submit comment or view the document, please visit:
Tags: Water, Water quality and Press Release