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DEQ Issues Draft Environmental Assessment and Air Quality Permit for Proposed Great Falls Renewable Diesel Project

  • Moira Davin
  • September 22 2021

HELENA—Today, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality published a draft air quality permit and draft Environmental Assessment for Montana Renewables Inc. (MRI), a proposed renewable diesel plant on the existing Calumet refinery property in Great Falls, Mont. located in Cascade County. The air quality permit analysis included the potential emissions from all equipment that will be operated at the renewable diesel plant to ensure the facility complies with the Clean Air Act of Montana. The proposed project would have a capacity of producing approximately 15,000 barrels of biodiesel per day. 

The proposed project requires an air quality permit because the projected emissions exceed 25 tons per year for regulated pollutants including oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The analysis of the proposed project shows the project would not violate ambient air quality standards. Once issued, the permit would require MRI to comply with the enforceable permit conditions for the equipment and take reasonable precautions for fugitive emissions, which are emissions that cannot reasonably be captured by a control system. MRI would have to demonstrate compliance with emission limitations for the heaters through source testing, continuous emissions monitoring and recordkeeping.

The proposed project is located on private land. According to the applicant, construction is estimated to begin in the Fall of 2021 and the project would be completed by the end of 2022.

DEQ prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) in compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act. The draft permit and associated EA analyzed the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project and were published for public comment on Sept. 22, 2021. There is a 15-day public comment period following the date of the draft permit, after which the Department will review comments, and make a final decision on the application. Public comment closes Oct. 7, 2021 and comments can be submitted electronically or by mail. To submit comment or to view the draft permit and draft EA, please visit the DEQ website at:

Tags: Air, News and Press Release