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DEQ Hosts Listening Session on Narrative Nutrient Standards Process

  • Moira Davin
  • September 15 2021

HELENA—The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is holding a listening session on Thursday, Sept. 23 at 1 p.m. regarding the ongoing process to implement narrative nutrient standards. DEQ will provide an update on the process and take questions during the listening session.

DEQ is interested in hearing from the public, but the listening session is not an official comment period. DEQ is developing administrative rules to implement the narrative nutrient standards. The draft rules will be published in the Montana Administrative Register later this fall and opened for official review and comment at that time. DEQ will also hold a public hearing on the proposed adoption of the rules. 

Narrative nutrient standards allow Montana to monitor state water bodies and protect them from the effects of elevated levels of nutrients—such effects may include nuisance algae. Senate Bill 358, passed during the 2021 Montana legislative session, required elimination of previously-adopted numeric nutrient standards and variances. The bill also directs DEQ to adopt rules related to narrative nutrient standards in consultation with the nutrient work group. The nutrient work group serves as an advisory group to DEQ and comprises representatives from various interest groups including municipalities, mining, agriculture, environmental organizations, conservation districts and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). DEQ is developing the rules with guidance and feedback from the group at bi-monthly meetings.  

“DEQ appreciates the time and dedication of the nutrient work group members. The continued interest and feedback is incredibly helpful as we work to adopt rules to implement narrative standards for nutrients that meet the needs of stakeholders and protect water quality. DEQ, along with the nutrient work group, has dedicated a lot of time and resources to this process and we all look forward to a successful outcome,” said Amy Steinmetz, DEQ‘s water quality division administrator. 

The rules must meet specific requirements outlined in Senate Bill 358 and must also be reviewed and approved by the EPA. The new rules will make use of adaptive management plans for meeting the narrative standards rather than the previous approach which allowed for a variance. An adaptive management plan is a flexible roadmap that enables DEQ to protect state waters while working with permitted dischargers to come into compliance with nutrient standards over time.

DEQ started working with the nutrient work group in May and is using existing peer-reviewed science as the basis for protective nutrient levels in water bodies across Montana. 

“DEQ is committed to protecting Montana’s water quality. The rules developed must meet all state and federal requirements, including standards necessary to maintain and protect the existing and beneficial uses of state waters,” said Steinmetz. “Ongoing monitoring and sampling of state waters will ensure the continued protection of Montana’s water quality.” 

To meet necessary timelines for the rulemaking process, DEQ plans to submit proposed rules to the Montana Secretary of State in November 2021 followed by a required comment period and public hearing before considering final rule adoption in March. Once rules are adopted, DEQ will conduct trainings and outreach to help permitted dischargers understand the new rules. 

Interested members of the public who wish to learn more are invited to attend a public listening session on Thursday, Sept. 23 at 1 p.m. The session will include an update on the process as well as a question-and-answer period.  

What: A public listening session on the narrative nutrient standards process 

When: Thursday, Sept. 23 at 1 p.m. 

Where: The hybrid meeting will be held both online and in-person.  

  • DNRC Montana Room 
    1539 11th Ave
    Helena, MT 59601
    (the Montana Room is to the left as you enter the main floor) 

Tags: Water, News and Press Release