Montana Awarded Planning Grant under Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program
HELENA—The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a $3 million planning grant under the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program. The funding is an opportunity to build on existing programs and engage with stakeholders on innovative and nonregulatory Montana-driven measures to address greenhouse gas emissions.
Governor Gianforte has designated the DEQ as the lead agency responsible for overseeing the planning and coordination involved in this program. In close collaboration with various state agencies and stakeholders, DEQ will develop a comprehensive Montana Climate Action Plan that prioritizes innovation and serves as a catalyst for projects that reduce emissions and improve the lives of Montanans.
“This planning grant is an opportunity to explore forward-thinking measures that can effectively curb pollution without imposing additional regulatory burdens on businesses and individuals,” said DEQ Director Chris Dorrington. “By focusing on creative solutions, Montana can reduce pollution and foster sustainable practices that safeguard the environment.”
The planning grant represents the first phase of EPA’s CPRG program. Pollution reduction measures identified in the Montana Climate Action Plan will be eligible to compete for further federal funding under the second phase of the program that provides implementation grants. On Sep. 20, 2023, EPA announced the availability of $4.6 billion nationally for competitive implementation grants. States, tribes, and local governments are all eligible to apply for implementation grants to implement projects covered by the state’s Climate Action Plan.
To engage the public and gather valuable input on pollution reduction measures that should be included in the Montana Climate Action Plan, the state will host a public meeting at 3 p.m. on Oct. 23, 2023. The meeting is open to attendees joining in-person and online. At the meeting, agencies are seeking input on innovative, shovel-ready projects that could be implemented using federal grant funding.
For more information about the planning process and the public meeting, please visit:
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