State of Montana Finalizes Priorities for Reducing Emissions through Innovative, Non-Regulatory Measures
HELENA—Today, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) submitted Montana’s Priority Climate Action Plan (Action Plan) on behalf of the state. The Action Plan identifies pollution reduction measures that are now eligible to compete for federal funding under the next phase of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) program.
Since receiving a $3 million planning grant last year, DEQ has engaged a wide range of stakeholders to identify emission reduction measures that will cut pollution and improve the lives of Montanans. DEQ received hundreds of project proposals through multiple public meetings and a more than 60-day public comment period. The resulting plan includes strategies to reduce emissions and support thriving Montana communities through innovation, not regulation. The plan focuses on state priorities that are shovel-ready and meet the requirements of the CPRG program.
Priorities in the Action Plan include:
- Expanding forest management and wildfire mitigation.
- Identifying and mitigating burning coal seams.
- Bolstering energy efficiency in Montana schools.
- Converting fleet vehicles to cleaner alternatives.
- Implementing innovative agricultural projects that reduce pollution.
- Funding energy efficiency measures for homes and businesses.
- Supporting investments in electric grid technology.
- Incentivizing emission reductions and energy efficiency in industrial processes.
- Incentivizing the development or expansion of local recycling and composting programs.
States, tribes and local governments are all eligible to apply for the $4.6 billion available nationally in competitive implementation grants to implement projects covered by the Action Plan. In the next week, DEQ will share a list of the measures that state agencies intend to seek funding to implement. Applications for implementation funding are due to the EPA by April 1, 2024.
For more information on Montana’s Action Plan, visit:
Tags: Air, Energy and Press Release