DEQ Issues Draft Environmental Assessment for Proposed Septage Land Application Site in Flathead County
Helena—The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has published a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for Ready Freddy Inc. (RFI) regarding a proposed land application site in Flathead County. The proposal includes approximately 50 acres of private property located at 940 Clark Drive, in Kalispell.
In the application, RFI Septic Service proposes to apply septage to agriculture fields that has been pumped from septic tanks, cesspools, or other primary treatment sources. The septage has already undergone primary treatment that reduces bacteria and other pathogens prior to land application, where remaining pathogens are destroyed by sunlight or application of lime. DEQ reviews and licenses septic tank pumpers and assesses applications for proposed land application sites according to requirements in state administrative rules. These rules include requirements related to site access as well as setbacks to surface water, residences, groundwater wells, and steep topography. The application review process ensures that projects are protective of human health and the environment.
DEQ prepared a draft EA in compliance with the Montana Environmental Policy Act to analyze potential impacts of the proposal. There is a 10-day public comment period following the publication of the draft EA, after which DEQ will review comments and make a final decision on the application. Public comment closes June 16, 2023, and comments can be submitted electronically or by mail. To view the draft EA or to submit comment, please visit the DEQ website at:
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