DEQ Seeks Public Comment on Voluntary Cleanup Plan for the Milwaukee Roundhouse Facility in Powell County
HELENA—The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is seeking public comment on the Voluntary Cleanup Plan (VCP) for the portion of the Milwaukee Roundhouse Facility (Facility) that is owned by the City of Deer Lodge in Powell County, Mont. The plan consists of an environmental assessment and remediation proposal, both of which summarize environmental conditions and cleanup options, and identifies the City of Deer Lodge’s preferred option for cleaning up soil contamination to protect human health and the environment.
The Facility was formerly owned by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad. Operations at the site resulted in contamination of soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment. In 2015 and 2016, approximately 40,000 tons of petroleum and metals contaminated soil were removed from the site and disposed of at a licensed landfill. The VCP addresses approximately 1,200 tons of additional soil containing arsenic and lead. DEQ oversees the cleanup of the entire Facility under the Comprehensive Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act, also known as the State Superfund law.
The City’s preferred cleanup option includes removing and disposing of contaminated soil at a licensed landfill, as well as using institutional controls, which are limitations placed on land use to minimize exposure to contamination and protect public health and safety. The proposed restrictions would apply to the City property and would establish requirements for DEQ approval prior to installation of new groundwater wells, excavation or construction of buildings on the site.
The proposed voluntary cleanup work will occur north of Milwaukee Avenue on property owned by the City of Deer Lodge that is currently used for outdoor storage. Plans are being discussed for the potential development of an open space park. A grant from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation will fund the project.
DEQ welcomes written public comment on the Voluntary Cleanup Plan. The 30-day public comment period will close August 21, 2021. DEQ will hold a public meeting upon written request to the DEQ on or before August 21, 2021, by 10 or more persons, a group of 10 or more persons, or by a local governing body. The plan can be viewed in-person at DEQ’s Cedar Building (1225 Cedar Street, Helena, Mont.), and at the Deer Lodge City Hall (300 Main Street, Deer Lodge, Mont.). DEQ will consider all substantive comments received, and either approve or disapprove the plan for remediation of the City of Deer Lodge owned property at the Milwaukee Roundhouse Facility. DEQ may also require the City of Deer Lodge to alter the plan to obtain DEQ approval. To submit written comments and view associated documents visit:
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